DEI Management Certification Program, 2024

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Name: DEI Management Certification Program, 2024
Date: August 27, 2024 - October 29, 2024
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
The DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) Management Certification Program series delivers strategic and tangible action steps that will help participants build and sustain successful DEI workforce, workplace and marketplace practices. At the conclusion of the series, participants will walk away with their own action plans and roadmaps to continue their respective DEI journeys. The program is delivered through a partnership between the Greater Des Moines Partnership and Des Moines-based Schabel Solutions Inc.
The series consists of informative e-learning modules followed by safe, positive and engaging facilitator-led discussions that lead to healthy self-reflection, greater self-awareness and productive behavior change. Through the series, participants' will gain a deeper understanding of the role they can play in fostering a more inclusive environment and how to build and sustain successful workforces, workplaces and marketplace outcomes. 

Participation eligibility: Persons and organizations that provide DEI-related consulting and training services to paying and nonpaying external customers (DEI consulting and training firms, for example) are not eligible to participate in this DEI training program unless approved by Greater Des Moines Partnership and Schabel Solutions.

Those interested in participating must register by Friday, Aug. 23. To earn the DEI Management Certificate, individuals must participate in and complete five out of the six workshops. Each workshop will take place from 9 a.m. - Noon.  

Review the required program agreement here. [] (Acceptance is required during registration.)
Greater Des Moines Partnership 
700 Locust St., Ste. 100 
Des Moines, IA 50309
Date/Time Information:
Classes will take place on the following dates:
  • August 27
  • September 10
  • September 24
  • October 15
  • October 22
  • October 29
Each workshop will take place from 9 a.m. - Noon. 
Contact Information:
Partnership Investors and Members: $1,099 per individual and $999 per employee for organizations that register three or more employees.

*Organizations are automatically a Member of The Partnership if they are a Member of one of The Partnership's 23 Affiliate Chambers of Commerce. []

Non-members: $1,499 per individual and $1,399 per employee for organizations that register three or more employees. 

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greater Des Moines Partnership for more information.
700 Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50309 – (515) 286-4950 –